html file size too long

Resolving HTML File Size too Long Issue in Bing: A Step-by-Step Guide

Navigating the complexities of website optimization presents a unique set of challenges, particularly when confronted with the daunting ” HTML file size too Long “ issue identified by Bing. This common hurdle can be a source of frustration for many website owners. In this comprehensive blog post, we aim
to assist those grappling with this challenge by providing a systematic guide based on our collective experience.

The HTML File Size Too Long Dilemma

Bing’s meticulous algorithms diligently notify website owners if the html file size too long surpasses the critical threshold of 124 KB. Exceeding this limit not only impacts user experience but also jeopardizes a website’s visibility on search engines. Recognizing the gravity of this issue, we embarked on a journey to identify and address the underlying causes.

Understanding the Significance

Before delving into the step-by-step guide, it’s crucial to comprehend the importance of maintaining an optimal html file size too long. Bing, like other search engines, values fast-loading websites as they contribute to a positive user experience. An html file size too long surpassing the recommended threshold not only impedes load times but may also result in lower search rankings.

In this blog post, we will guide you through a detailed process of identifying, analyzing, and rectifying html file size too long issues specifically flagged by Bing. Whether you’re a website owner, developer, or digital marketer, the following steps aim to help you optimize your HTML file size effectively, ensuring your website remains visible and accessible on Bing’s search results. Let’s embark on this journey together and address the html file size too long dilemma with practical solutions.

the before html file size dilemma with practical solution

Step 1: Examine Website Source Code

Begin the process by inspecting your website’s source code. Open your website in a web browser and right-click on the page. Select “Inspect” or “Inspect Element” to access the browser’s developer tools. Navigate to the “Sources” or “Elements” tab, depending on the browser.

Step 2: Identify Inline JavaScript Code

Carefully examine the source code for inline JavaScript. Look for scripts embedded directly within the
HTML rather than being linked externally. This inline JavaScript can significantly contribute to the html file size too long issue. Take note of the scripts associated with different plugins.

Step 3: Pinpoint Plugins Responsible

Identify the plugins associated with the excessive inline JavaScript code. Check for patterns or
commonalities in the script names or comments that may indicate the source plugin. Some plugins may
inject unnecessary scripts into your HTML, contributing to the html file size too long problem.

Step 4: Evaluate Plugin Necessity

Assess the necessity of each identified plugin. Consider whether the features provided by these plugins are crucial for your website's functionality. If a plugin is adding excessive code without substantial benefits, it might be worth exploring alternative plugins.

Step 5: Optimize or Remove Unnecessary Plugins

For plugins identified as contributors to the html file size too long issue, take appropriate action. Optimize
plugin settings to minimize code injection or explore alternative plugins that offer similar functionality
with better optimization. If a plugin is deemed unnecessary, consider removing it altogether.

Step 6: Remove Unnecessary Inline CSS

As we continue the optimization process, our focus shifts to refining the CSS to reduce unnecessary elements and enhance website performance.
unnecessary css source code

Step 7: Check Theme-Generated Inline CSS

Start by examining if your theme is adding inline CSS to your website. Inspect the source code or use browser developer tools to identify any inline styles applied by the theme.

Step 8: Verify CSS Usage

Once you identify the inline CSS added by the theme, evaluate its usage on your website. Determine whether the styles are actively contributing to the visual presentation and functionality.

Step 9: Create Separate CSS File

For inline CSS that is actively utilized, consider creating a separate CSS file. Extract the relevant styles and consolidate them into a dedicated stylesheet. This not only improves organization but also facilitates better control over your website's styling.

Step 10: Remove Unused CSS:

For any inline CSS that is identified as not actively used on the site, proceed to remove it from the source code. Unnecessary styles contribute to increased file size without providing corresponding benefits.

Additional Optimization for Astra Theme Users

Once you identify the inline CSS added by the theme, evaluate its usage on your website. Determine whether the styles are actively contributing to the visual presentation and functionality.

Step11: Remove Inline CSS for Astra Theme

To remove inline CSS generated by the Astra theme, insert the following code into the functions.php file of your child theme. This code utilizes a filter to dequeue the Astra theme and Astra Pro plugin styles, effectively eliminating inline CSS.

function astra_force_remove_style() { wp_dequeue_style( 'astra-theme-css' ); wp_dequeue_style( 'astra-addon-css' ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'astra_force_remove_style', 99 );

Disable emoji in WordPress

You can disable emoji on your site by adding this 2 lines of code to the functions.php file.

remove_action('wp_head', 'print_emoji_detection_script', 7);
remove_action('wp_print_styles', 'print_emoji_styles');

That’s it, it will no longer load wp-emoji-release.min.js file in the site header.

Disable Gutenberg Style in the Header

You can disable Gutenberg Style on your site by adding this 2 lines of code to the functions.php file.

function wps_deregister_styles() {

wp_dequeue_style( 'global-styles' );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wps_deregister_styles', 100 );

Verification through Bing Scan

To ensure the effectiveness of these changes, I initiated a Bing scan after implementing the adjustments for html file size too long.
Fortunately, the html file size too long issue was no longer reported, indicating that the changes had a positive

the after html file size dilemma with practical solution


In conclusion, the journey to resolve the html file size too long issue flagged by Bing involves a meticulous and systematic approach. From identifying and optimizing plugins to refining CSS and making targeted adjustments for specific themes, this comprehensive guide offers practical steps to enhance website performance. By prioritizing essential styles, removing unnecessary elements, and employing proactive measures like the elimination of Astra theme inline CSS, website owners can streamline their codebase and ensure faster loading times.

Continuous monitoring and validation, coupled with a commitment to
ongoing optimization, solidify the foundation for a website that not only meets Bing’s standards but also provides an exceptional user experience in the dynamic digital landscape.


  • Copebusiness Technical SEO Team

    At CopeBusiness, we are a team of dedicated technical SEO experts who specialize in identifying and fixing intricate technical SEO issues. With our deep understanding of search engine algorithms and best practices, we provide comprehensive solutions that pave the way for improved website performance and higher search engine rankings. In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of technical SEO and highlight how our team at CopeBusiness can help your business thrive.

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