How meathook improved their online presence with seo on wordpress

How Meathook Improved Their Online Presence with SEO on WordPress

Imagine being on a huge ocean with lots of other boats all trying to get noticed. That’s what Meathook faced online with their WordPress website. But, thanks to clever SEO strategies, they went from 3 visitors to 479 in just one month! This story will explain how they made this amazing transformation happen.

The Challenge

Before they worked on their SEO, Meathook  had some big problems. Not many people visited their website when they searched online. It was like having a website with very few visitors. Their website also had technical issues that made it slow and not work well on mobile phones. They had warnings and errors on Google that made things even worse.

The SEO Solution

Experience the power of our comprehensive SEO solutions! We’ve expertly addressed technical SEO, on-page optimization, and off-page strategies, resulting in significant online visibility improvement within just one month. Transform your online presence today and unleash your website’s full potential!

Fixing Technical Problems on WordPress:

First, they fixed all the technical problems on their WordPress website. This made it faster and worked better on mobile phones.

Ahrefs Report

Performance Before Our Work

Performance Before Our Work

Performance After Our Work,

Performance after our work

They made sure their website worked well on mobile phones. Before, some important things didn’t work well on mobiles, but they fixed it.

Video Page Indexing

Video page indexing

We have fixed the video page indexing issues on our WordPress website

Mobile Usability

Mobile Usability

We have fixed the mobile usability issues on our WordPress website

Product Snippets

Product Snippets

We have fixed the product snippet issue on our WordPress website.

Merchant Listing

We have fixed the product merchant listing on our WordPress website.


Bread Crumbs

Sitelinks Search Bar

We have fixed the Sitelinks Search Bar issues on our WordPress website

PageSpeed Insights for Mobile, Before our work

Page Speed Insights

PageSpeed Insights for Mobile, After our work,

Making the Website Better for Google:

They found the right words that people used when searching for their services and used those words on their website.

They wrote helpful content for people looking for their services.

Better Content on WordPress:

They got rid of bad content and focused on making the important parts of their WordPress website better.

They made sure their WordPress website gave Google the right information so it could show up in searches.

Fixing Google Issues

They worked on fixing the problems they had with Google. This made their services show up better in searches.

The Results:

These changes had a big impact! In just one month, MeathookKW, with its WordPress website, had 479 visitors. It’s like going from having very few visitors to having lots of people come to your website. The client was really happy with how things turned out.



The story of MeathookKW shows how SEO can make a big difference. By fixing technical issues, making content better, and being friends with Google, they turned their luck around. This story can inspire other businesses, whether they’re on WordPress or other platforms, to improve their online presence and do better in the digital world.


  • Copebusiness Technical SEO Team

    At CopeBusiness, we are a team of dedicated technical SEO experts who specialize in identifying and fixing intricate technical SEO issues. With our deep understanding of search engine algorithms and best practices, we provide comprehensive solutions that pave the way for improved website performance and higher search engine rankings. In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of technical SEO and highlight how our team at CopeBusiness can help your business thrive.

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