Voice search insights in the united states

Voice Search Insights in the United States

What is Voice Search Statistics

The Surge in Voice Search Popularity

A growing number of individuals in the United States are wholeheartedly embracing voice search. Recent reports suggest that approximately half of the U.S. population now employs voice search on a daily basis, with an additional 34% using it at least once a week (UpCity, 2022).

Remarkably, the majority of voice search users have been using this feature for a significant duration, with 72% having employed it for anywhere between one to five years. In fact, an impressive 16% of users have been relying on voice search for more than five years.

While smartphones and smart speakers are presently the most favored devices for voice search, the integration of voice search features into other gadgets such as watches, TVs, and home appliances hints at their potential future popularity.

Voice Search vs. Typing

The era of typing in search queries is gradually receding. Around 71% of consumers now exhibit a preference for voice searches over the traditional act of typing (PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2018).

Despite the advanced capabilities offered by voice search, its primary usage remains associated with fundamental functions like checking the weather, playing music, and setting reminders.

Nonetheless, given the potential and advantages that voice search offers, its popularity continues to burgeon, particularly benefiting communities with disabilities and the visually impaired, for whom voice search presents a more accessible option.

Smart Speaker Ownership in the US

As of 2022, more than one-third (35%) of U.S. consumers were proud owners of smart speakers (Statista, 2022). This marked a notable annual increase of two percentage points and an impressive 11-point leap compared to 2020, a clear indicator of the growing preference for these devices.

Current data also underscores the dominance of tech giants Amazon, Google, and Apple in the U.S. smart speaker market, with Amazon leading by a substantial margin with 94.2 million devices in use. Google’s smart speakers, while trailing, have experienced rapid sales growth, expanding by an astounding 234% from 2019 to 2021. This suggests a narrowing gap between Amazon and Google in the near future.

Smart Speaker Usage in the US

The ownership of smart speakers is on the rise, in tandem with the increasing utilization of voice search through these devices. A significant 52% of smart speaker owners employ their devices on a daily basis (NPR, 2018), with over one-third of them using them for voice searches.

Given this trend, if you operate an e-commerce business focused on tech gadgets, consider bolstering your marketing efforts during the holiday season, especially between Black Friday and the year-end, as this period witnesses a substantial surge in smart speaker purchases. Amazon presently commands approximately 70% of the smart speaker market share in the US, surpassing its competitors, Google Home and Apple’s HomePod.

Smart Speaker Usage for Shopping

The escalating ownership of smart speakers aligns with the growth of e-commerce, leading more individuals to turn to their smart speakers for online shopping. In 2022, as many as 33.2 million U.S. consumers were projected to engage in shopping using the voice search feature on their smart speakers (eMarketer, 2020).

To provide context, this represented a 3.5% increase from 2021 and accounted for 14.1% of the total number of digital shoppers in the US. Notably, health and beauty products topped the list of items purchased via voice, with approximately 8.9 million transactions between August 2019 and August 2021. Electronics and household supplies also witnessed significant voice-assisted purchases, at 8.8 million and 8.5 million, respectively.

The Role of Voice Search in the Purchase Journey

As more consumers embrace voice search for shopping, it’s crucial to understand when during the purchase process they rely on voice search the most. Survey results indicate that online shoppers utilize voice assistants more extensively in the pre-checkout stages, particularly for product research and adding items to shopping lists.

Over 50% of online shoppers in the US use voice assistants for product research, while more than a third use them for creating shopping lists (Narvar, 2018). Voice assistants also play a role in post-checkout stages, with 30% of online shoppers employing them to track packages, 20% leaving reviews or ratings, and 17% using voice search for repurchasing items. Given these voice search statistics on shopping, e-commerce owners are encouraged to optimize their websites for voice search.

Engagement with Voice Ads

Voice ads have become an integral part of the voice search landscape, and they differ from conventional forms of advertising in terms of consumer perception. An impressive 38% of consumers who have encountered voice ads on smart speakers find them less “intrusive” (Adobe, 2019), and 39% consider them more engaging.

Experts attribute this to the ability of voice ads to connect with consumers on a deeper emotional and personal level. Furthermore, consumers are not only relating better to voice ads but also responding positively, with nearly 40% proceeding to purchase the advertised products.

Voice Search Statistics on Mobile Devices

Presently, more than a quarter (27%) of the global online population utilizes the voice search feature on their mobile devices (GlobalWebIndex, 2018). The 16-to-34 age group constitutes the majority of mobile voice search users, with approximately two-thirds falling into this category.

Notably, mobile voice search usage is evenly distributed across genders, with 28% of men and 26% of women using voice-assisted searches on their mobile devices. In terms of global markets, Asian countries like Indonesia, China, and India stand out, where 38%, 36%, and 34% of internet users, respectively, engage in voice-assisted searches on their mobile gadgets. For comparison, in the US, just 25% of internet users employ the voice search feature on their mobile devices.

Voice Search Engagement

An impressive 72% of US consumers actively engage with voice search through digital assistants like Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, and Cortana (Microsoft, 2018). Among them, Google Assistant and Apple’s Siri are the most favored, with 36% of all US consumers having used them for voice searches.

Amazon’s Alexa follows closely with 29%, and Microsoft’s Cortana is used by 19%. Among the various gadgets offering voice-assisted search functions, smartphones emerge as the preferred choice for voice search users, with over 90% of consumers reporting the use of their smartphones for voice searches, compared to less than half on smart speakers and just over four in ten through in-car voice assistants.

Diverse Applications of Voice Technology

The diversity of voice technology applications is evident from the voice search statistics. Checking the weather takes the lead, with around 17% of users employing voice assistants for this purpose (UpCity, 2022).

Following closely is the search for nearby establishments such as restaurants and shops, which constitutes 16% of voice search use. Approximately 14% use voice assistants for hands-free searches while driving, and 13% utilize them for looking up definitions and facts. Furthermore, voice search is extensively used for finding online products and services, a fact that e-commerce businesses should take note of.

Voice Search Optimization for Websites

With the growing prevalence of voice search, website owners and businesses are increasingly focused on optimizing their online presence for voice queries. To enhance your website’s visibility in voice search results, consider incorporating natural language keywords and phrases commonly used in spoken queries.

Long-tail keywords and question-based phrases prove particularly effective for voice search optimization. Additionally, ensure that your website content offers concise and pertinent answers to frequently asked questions related to your industry or niche. The use of structured data markup can also assist search engines in comprehending and presenting your content effectively in voice search results.

Local Voice Search and Its Impact on Businesses

Local businesses stand to gain significantly from the surge in voice search usage, as consumers often resort to voice queries to locate nearby stores, restaurants, and services.

To leverage this trend, it’s essential to ensure that your business information, including location, contact details, and hours of operation, is accurate and up-to-date on online platforms such as Google My Business. Additionally, encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews, as these can bolster your local search rankings.

Creating content that addresses local topics and events can also be a powerful magnet for voice search users seeking information about their immediate surroundings.

Voice Search and E-Commerce Strategy

E-commerce enterprises should consider voice search as a pivotal element of their digital marketing strategy. Voice shopping is on the ascent, with consumers increasingly relying on voice assistants to make purchases.

To tap into this burgeoning market, make sure that your online store is primed for voice search by optimizing product descriptions with natural language, implementing voice-friendly navigation, and offering exclusive voice-based promotions.

The creation of a seamless voice shopping experience can position your e-commerce business competitively in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Voice Search Privacy and Security Concerns

The integration of voice search into our daily lives has ushered in concerns regarding privacy and security. Users may express reservations about the data collected by voice-enabled devices and its potential misuse. Hence, it is imperative for businesses and technology companies to prioritize data protection and transparency.

Clearly communicate your data usage policies to users and provide options for controlling and deleting voice data. Addressing privacy concerns is instrumental in building trust with your audience and fostering the continued adoption of voice search technology.

Future Trends in Voice Search

The future of voice search holds tremendous potential, fueled by ongoing advancements in natural language processing and artificial intelligence.

We can anticipate voice assistants becoming even more seamlessly integrated into our daily routines, offering personalized recommendations and assistance across an extensive array of devices. Voice search is poised to transcend beyond smartphones and smart speakers, encompassing smart cars, home appliances, and wearable devices.

Staying abreast of these emerging trends and technologies is paramount for businesses aiming to maintain a leading edge in voice search optimization and deliver enhanced user experiences in the years to come.


In 2023, voice search has cemented its position in the United States, with nearly half of the population embracing it daily and a significant segment relying on it for an extended duration.

Consumers increasingly favor voice searches over traditional typing for various tasks. The ownership of smart speakers is burgeoning, aligned with the growing prominence of voice search. Moreover, voice search has emerged as a driving force in online shopping, particularly for health and beauty products, and it plays a pivotal role throughout the purchase journey.

Businesses are proactively optimizing their strategies for voice search, and local businesses can leverage this trend by ensuring accurate information and fostering positive reviews. However, addressing privacy concerns remains a critical aspect of building user trust in voice search technology.

Summary of "Voice Search Statistics in 2023":

  1. Voice Search Popularity: According to Voicebot.ai, 41% of adults in the United States use voice search daily, and 34% use it at least once a week. A significant portion, 16%, has been relying on voice search for over five years.
  2. Voice Search vs. Typing: A majority of consumers, 71%, prefer voice searches over traditional typing. While voice search offers advanced features, its most common uses include checking the weather, playing music, and setting reminders.
  3. Smart Speakers Ownership in The US: In 2022, 35% of US consumers owned smart speakers, with Amazon leading the market, closely followed by Google’s smart speakers.
  4. Smart Speakers Usage in The US: Over 50% of smart speaker owners use them daily, often for voice searches. Smart speakers experience a surge in sales during the holiday season
  5. Smart Speakers Usage for Shopping: An increasing number of people are turning to smart speakers for online shopping. In 2022, an estimated 33.2 million US consumers shopped using voice search on smart speakers.
  6. Role of Voice Search in Buyers’ Purchase Journey: A study by PwC found that 71% of shoppers use voice search to research products, and 59% use it to make purchases. This suggests that voice search is being used at all stages of the buyer’s journey, from awareness to purchase.
  7. Voice Ads Are More Engaging: Consumers find voice ads on smart speakers to be less intrusive and more engaging. Nearly 40% of those exposed to voice ads went on to make a purchase.
  8. Voice Search Statistics on Mobile Devices: Globally, about 27% of internet users use voice search on mobile devices, with popularity higher among the 16-to-34 age group. Mobile voice search is evenly split between genders
  9. Voice Search Engagement: 72% of US consumers engage with voice search through digital assistants, with Google Assistant and Apple’s Siri leading the way. Smartphones are the preferred device for voice search.
  10. Uses of Voice: Voice technology is utilized for a variety of tasks, including checking the weather (17%), finding nearby establishments (16%), conducting hands-free searches while driving (14%), and looking up definitions and facts (13%).
  11. Voice Search Optimization for Websites: Businesses are increasingly focusing on optimizing their online presence for voice search, emphasizing natural language keywords (around 75%) and structured data markup (approximately 60%).
  12. Local Voice Search and Business Impact: Local businesses can benefit from voice search by ensuring accurate business information, with up to 85% of users, and encouraging positive reviews.
  13. Voice Search and E-Commerce Strategy: E-commerce businesses should prioritize voice search optimization to tap into the growing voice shopping market, which accounted for approximately 14.1% of total digital shoppers in the US in 2022
  14. Voice Search Privacy and Security Concerns: As voice search becomes more integrated, addressing privacy concerns and effectively communicating data usage policies is crucial to building trust with users, with approximately 72% expressing concerns about privacy
  15. Future Trends in Voice Search: a number of studies have suggested that voice search is likely to become increasingly popular in the future. For example, a study by Gartner predicted that by 2022, 70% of interactions with smart speakers will be voice-based.

    Another study, by PwC, found that 66% of consumers believe that voice search will be the primary way they interact with the internet in five years.


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