URL Marked “noindex” How to Fix It

Do you want to boost the SEO of your website? We provide a number of services to assist you with your noindexed URLs, such as assessing, suggesting, and implementing noindexing tactics.

Get in touch with us today to learn more!

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    What exactly is the URL "noindex"?

    A “noindex” URL is one that a website owner has requested that search engines not index. This means the page will not appear in search results, and search engine bots will not follow the website’s links.


    There are a few reasons why a website owner might want to do this. For example, they might want to prevent a page from being indexed if it is:

    • A duplicate of another page on the website
    • A password-protected page
    • A page that is still under construction
    • A page that contains sensitive information

    In a nutshell, a “noindexed” URL gives website owners control over how search engines index their pages.
    This can be useful for a variety of reasons, such as preventing duplicate content, protecting sensitive information, and preventing search engines from crawling pages that are still under construction.

    Here is an example of how a “noindex” URL might look:

    <meta name=”robots” content=”noindex”>

    This meta tag tells search engines not to index the page. It can be added to the head section of any HTML page.

    few reasons why a website owner might want to submitted URL marked "noindex"
    There are a few ways to fix a "noindexed" URL

    There are a few ways to fix a "noindexed" URL.

    • Remove the page’s “noindex” tag. This is the simplest approach to resolving the problem. The “noindex” tag may be found in the HTML page’s header section. Simply remove it after you’ve located it.
    • Take the page out of your sitemap. You can delete the page from the sitemap if you have one. This informs search engines that the page should not be indexed.
    • Ask Google to crawl your website. You can request that Google crawl your website if you have previously removed the “noindex” tag from the page and deleted it from your sitemap. This instructs Google to re-index your website and remove the URL marked “noindexed” from its index.
    • You may use it to request that Google crawl your website.

    Here are the steps:

    1. Go to the Google Search Console and sign in to your account.
    2. Click on the “Index” tab.
    3. Click on the “Crawl” tab.
    4. Click on the “Request a recrawl” button.
    5. Enter the URL of the page that you want to be crawled.
    6. Click on the “Submit” button.

    Google will typically crawl your website within a few days. Once the website has been re-crawled, the “noindexed” URL will be removed from Google’s index.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    This message means that the robots.txt file for your website contains a directive that tells search engines not to index the page. This can happen for a few reasons:

    The website owner may have intentionally blocked the page from being indexed.
    A plugin or theme may have prevented access to the page.
    There may be a coding error in the robots.txt file.
    If you are not sure why the page is blocked, you can contact the website owner or developer for assistance.

    This message means that the Yoast SEO plugin has added a noindex tag to the page. This tag tells search engines not to index the page. Yoast may have added the noindex tag for a few reasons:

    The page may be a duplicate of another page on the website.
    The page may be under construction.
    The page may contain sensitive information.
    If you do not want the page to be blocked, you can remove the noindex tag from the page. You can do this by editing the page's code and removing the tag.

    This message indicates that the WordPress admin dashboard's noindex setting has been applied to the post. Either the website owner or a plugin can carry out this task. A noindex tag tells search engines not to index the page.

    If you do not want the post to be blocked, you can change the post's settings to index. You can do this by going to the post's edit page and unchecking the "Noindex" box.

    To remove the noindex tag from a page in WordPress, you can follow these steps:

    Go to the page's edit page.
    In the "SEO" section, uncheck the "Noindex" box.
    Click on the "Update" button.
    Search engines will index the page after the noindex tag has been removed.

    This message informs users that the page's noindex tag has prevented search engines from indexing it. The noindex meta tag instructs search engines not to index the page.

    Remove the noindex tag from the page's code if you want search engines to index the page. You can also contact Shopify support for assistance.