Get your pages indexed by Google and start ranking higher in search results with our 10-year-experienced professionals.

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    Have you ever checked your Google Search Console and seen the status “Crawled—Currently Not Indexed” for one of your pages? If so, you’re not alone. This is a common issue that can affect the visibility of your website in search results.
    Don’t let crawled—currently not indexed—pages hold you back from reaching your target audience! Our issue-fixing service can help you get your pages indexed by Google and improve your SEO.

    Error Occurs

    Why Choose Our Issue-Fixing Service?

    We have over 10 years of experience fixing Google Search Console issues, including crawled—currently not indexed pages. We know what to look for and how to fix the problem quickly and effectively.

    Our issue-fixing service includes:

    A comprehensive audit of your website to identify crawled—currently not indexed pages.

    A detailed report of our findings, including the specific reasons why each page is not indexed.

    A personalized plan to fix the issues and get your pages indexed.

    Our ongoing support ensures that your pages remain indexed and that you continue to see positive results from your SEO efforts.

    Why Choose Our Issue Fixing Service
    How Does Our Issue Fixing Service Work

    How Does Our Issue-Fixing Service Work?

    Our issue-fixing service is a 4-step process:

    1. Audit: We’ll conduct a comprehensive audit of your website to identify all crawled—currently not indexed pages.
    2. Report: We’ll provide you with a detailed report of our findings, including the specific reasons why each page is not indexed.
    3. Plan: We’ll create a personalized plan to fix the issues and get your pages indexed.
    4. Support: We’ll provide ongoing support to ensure that your pages remain indexed and that you continue to see positive results from your SEO efforts.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    A page with the status "crawled—currently not indexed" means that Googlebot has crawled your page, but has not included it in its index. This means that the page will not appear in search results, even if someone searches for the exact URL.

    There are a few reasons why a page might be crawled but not indexed. Here are some of the most common ones:

    • The page is new and Googlebot hasn't had a chance to index it yet.
    • The page has low-quality content.
    • The page is duplicate content.
    • The page is blocked by a robots.txt file.
    • The page has a technical error, such as a broken link.

    If you're seeing the status "crawled—currently not indexed" for one of your pages, the first thing you should do is check the page for any of the above issues. If you can't find any problems, you can try submitting the page to Google for indexing.

    The time it takes to fix a page with the status "crawled—currently not indexed" can vary depending on the specific issue. In general, it can take a few days to a few weeks for Google to index a page after it has been fixed.

    The cost of fixing a page with the status "crawled—currently not indexed" can vary depending on the specific issue and the complexity of the website. In general, it can cost a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars to fix a page with this status.
    If you're concerned about crawled—currently not indexed pages on your website, we encourage you to contact us today for a free consultation. We'll be happy to help you identify the issues and develop a plan to fix them.