Do you want to get your pages indexed by Google and start ranking higher in search results? Then try our professional skills.

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    Alternate Pages with Canonical Tags is a status that can appear in Google Search Console for a page on your website. It means that Google has found two or more pages on your website that have the same content, but one of the pages has a canonical tag that points to the other page. This tells Google that the canonical page is the original and authoritative version of the content and that the other pages should not be indexed.

    Do you have alternate pages on your website with canonical tags? If so, you’re not solo. This is a common practice that can help improve the SEO of your website. However, it’s important to make sure that your canonical tags are set up correctly. If they’re not, you could be sending mixed signals to Google and other search engines, which could lead to your pages not being indexed or ranking lower in search results.

    At CopeBusiness, we understand the importance of canonical tags for SEO. That’s why we offer a comprehensive service to help businesses fix any problems with their canonical tags and improve their website’s ranking in search results.

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    Why Choose Our Issue-Fixing Service?

    We have great years of experience fixing issues, including canonical tags. We know what to look for and how to fix the problem quickly and effectively.

    Our issue-fixing service includes:

    A comprehensive audit of your website to identify any problems with your canonical tags.

    A detailed report of our findings, including the specific reasons why each canonical tag is not working properly.

    A personalized plan to fix the issues and get your pages indexed by Google.

    Our ongoing support ensures that your canonical tags are working properly and that you continue to see positive results from your SEO efforts.

    Why Choose Our Issue Fixing Service
    How Does Our Issue Fixing Service Work

    How Does Our Issue-Fixing Service Work?

    Our issue-fixing service is a 4-step process:

    1. Audit: We’ll conduct a comprehensive audit of your website to identify any problems with your canonical tags.
    2. Report: We’ll provide you with a detailed report of our findings, including the specific reasons why each canonical tag is not working properly.
    3. Plan: We’ll create a personalized plan to fix the issues and get your pages indexed by Google.
    4. Support: We’ll provide ongoing support to ensure that you’re SEO is working properly and that you continue to see positive results from your SEO efforts.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    A canonical tag is a piece of code that tells Google and other search engines which page is the original version of a page. This is important for pages with duplicate content, as it helps Google determine which page should be indexed and ranked in search results.

    To use a canonical tag, you need to add a rel="canonical" tag to the head of the page that you want to be the original version. The value of the href attribute should be the URL of the original page.

    Some of the most common mistakes people make when using canonical tags include:

    • Using a canonical tag on a page that is not the original version.
    • Using a canonical tag on more than one page.
    • Not using a canonical tag on pages with duplicate content.

    If you think that you might have problems with your canonical tags, you can use our issue-fixing service to help you identify and fix the problems. We'll also provide you with a detailed report of our findings and a personalized plan to fix the issues.